
点击量:3181 来源:解译网 发表时间:2023-04-05 09:38作者:秋天










epiphyllum 昙花

Brazil 巴西

cactus 仙人掌

camellia 山茶花

carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)

Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花

Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花

chrysanthemum 菊花

dahlia 大丽花

daisy 雏菊

datura 曼陀罗

fringed iris 蝴蝶

fuchsia 倒挂金钟

gardenia 栀子

India canna 美人蕉

jasmine 茉莉

lilac 丁香

lily 百合

mangnolia 木兰

mangnolia 玉兰花

morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花)

narcissus 水仙花

oleander 夹竹桃

orchid 兰花

pansy 三色堇

peony 牡丹

peony 芍药

phalaenopsis 蝶兰

rose 玫瑰

rose 月季

setose asparagus 文竹

touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花

tulip 郁金香

violet, stock violet 紫罗兰

water hyacinth 凤眼兰



Dear Peter:

Attached is an fee application form for purchasing refrigerator and bubbler in the new office, which needs your kind approval.

By the way, the fees for lending flowers in the new office is CNY450 per month.

外贸专业人员为你解答 满意请采纳 谢谢!




In order to beautify the business environment and enhance their culture and establish a good corporate external image on the Green Party and the location of indoor and outdoor environments such as flowers, landscapes Lvzhizubai the needs of both A and B based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, through friendly consultation, Party A Flower B Landscape contractor commissioned Lvzhizubai business, both for the clear responsibility, to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of both sides, special signing of this contract reads as follows:

1, Zu Bai flowers landscape Lvzhi varieties, specifications and quantities (see Zubai design programs).

2, length of service: Date until the date only.

Third, the rent: According to Zubai design specifications and varieties of plants placed in the number of rent and, if necessary to increase the number of plants, can change the date on a monthly basis Zubai per month checkout of the former Party A Party B Zubai month issued a list of plant costs, A and B each side holding one.

4, Payment:

□ monthly payment: Party in every contract began three days of flowers Zubai fees paid to Party B the month.

□ Season paid: Party at the beginning of each contract quarter, three days ahead of a one-time payment this quarter, flowers Zubai B costs (such as the case of national holidays, the payment date may be extended under the holiday period), quarter-quarter rent can enjoy rent of 3% discount.

□ Yearly: Party at the beginning of each contract year to pay Party B within 3 days of one-time cost of this year's flowers Zubai, the annual rent can enjoy the annual rent of 8% discount.

V. Party A's rights and obligations:

1, Party placed flowers and trees to provide a venue and to ensure that B Flower of water needed to maintain day to day, temperature, light and other conditions.

2, Party B is entitled to the amount provided Zubai flowers, varieties, specifications and quality requests and conduct supervision and guidance. For more information outside the scope of the contract to increase the number of plants placed, timely consultation with Party B, placed immediately after the signing of additional contracts.

3, Party A need to replace the flowers if placed, should be handled promptly notify Party B, Party B, without permission, secretly moving the replacement position, resulting in death and sets of pots of flowers damaged by the Party or by damage to flower pots device of the original value to pay compensation.

4, Party A have the right to festivals, major events and operation of work and rest time requirements Party B in accordance with the provisions of the daily maintenance time for flowers, such as the case of temporary changes, Party A shall promptly notify Party B in order to coordinate their schedules. If for Party reasons, can not let the B schedule routine maintenance, such as flowers, water scarcity Quefei causes impairment or death, the Party in accordance with the original value of impairment flowers to pay compensation.

5, Party A shall be provided under the contract to pay rent on time to Party B shall not be any reason for delay.

6, the contract period, Party A shall be strict compliance with the contract shall not in any way tampered with or without permission to terminate the contract, as a result of a special reason to terminate the contract, Party B shall be notified one month in advance, and delivered to B one month's rent as liquidated damages compensation.

6, B responsibilities and obligations:

1, Party A Party B should be based on the specific environment provides flowers placed in the professional advice, offers a variety of vegetation types to choose from, so that the layout is reasonable, to reach nice overall viewing, such as the Party placed on plants there are special requirements, Party B should make active efforts to meet the consultation.

2, the conservation staff during the work shall be subject to Party B all the rules and regulations, in accordance with the provisions of Party A time to flower maintenance, not secretly enter and Zubai non-business areas.

3, B staff in the display of plants and routine maintenance should pay attention to safety, not to damage Party facilities, and pay attention to maintaining the site clean. Routine maintenance work, such as Party items damaged by the Party B according to price of compensation, as a result of Party B causes personal injury and other accidents, the costs incurred by the Party B take care of themselves.

4, B should be based on plant habit and growth pattern, on a regular basis 2-3 times per week routine maintenance to keep the beautiful display of plants, no pests, no bad leaf, leaves no dust. If, B is not in accordance with the contract unilaterally because the number of consultations, routine maintenance work, resulting in impairment of flowers by the Party B is responsible for.

5, the contract period, Party B shall strictly abide by the contract shall not in any way tampered with or without permission to terminate the contract, one month's notice in advance if there are special reasons for Party A, Party A joint consultation with the settlement and the removal of the last month's rent.

7, the display of all flowers, all owned by B, after the expiration of the contract, such as the two sides are no longer renewed, Party B is responsible for all the flowers and trees within one week withdrawal of display sites, more than a week, will be deemed to B to give up all the Party the right to deal with flowers and other items.


Flowers 花卉

amaryllis 孤挺花

anemone 银莲花

anther 花药

apple 苹果

apricot 杏

azalea 杜鹃花

balsam 凤仙花

begonia 秋海棠

Brazil 巴西木

cactus 仙人

camellia 山茶花

canna 美人蕉

cantury plant 龙舌兰

carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)

Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花

Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花

chrysanthemum 菊花

cosmos 大波斯菊

crocus 番红花

cyclamen 仙客来

daffodil 黄水仙

dahlia 大丽花

daisy 雏菊

daphne 瑞香

datura 曼陀罗

dogwood 山茱萸

epiphyllum 昙花

freesia 小苍兰

fringed iris 蝴蝶花

fuchsia 倒挂金钟

gardenia 栀子

geranium 大竺葵

gladiolus 剑兰

hawthorn 山楂

hibiscus 木槿

hyacinth 风信花

hydrangea 八仙花

India canna 美人蕉

iris 蝴蝶花

jasmine 茉莉

lilac 紫丁香

lily 百合花

mangnolia 木兰花

mangnolia 玉兰花

marguerite, daisy 雏菊

marigold 金盏花

morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花)

narcissus 水仙花

nectar gland 蜜腺

night-blooming cereus 仙人掌

oleander 夹竹桃

orange 桔子

orchid 兰花

ovary 子房

pansy 三色堇

pear 梨

peony 牡丹,芍药

petal 花瓣

phalaenopsis 蝶兰

pink 石竹花

pistil 雌蕊

plum 洋李

pollen 花粉

quince 柑橘

redbud 紫荆

rhododendron 杜鹃花

rose 玫瑰花

sepal 萼片

setose asparagus 文竹

stalk 花柄

stamen 雄蕊

sunflower 向日葵

sweet pea 香豌豆

touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花

tulip 郁金香

violet, stock violet 紫罗兰

water hyacinth 凤眼兰

wisteria 柴藤

yucca 丝兰



【花卉】的意思是:花卉huā huì 1.  花草。通常分木本花卉、草本花卉和观赏草类等。  ●《梁书•处士传·何点》:「园内有卞忠贞冢,点植花卉于冢侧,每饮必举酒酹之。」  ●宋司马光《正月二十四日夜雪》诗:「夜色微分白,春容不受寒,即为花卉夺,犹得蹔供看。」  ●峻青《秋色赋·傲霜篇》:「想着想着,我忽然领悟出菊花之所以会成为我国人民所共同喜爱的一种花卉的这个道理来了。」 2.  指以花草为题材的中国画。  ●清梁章钜《归田琐记•曼云先兄家传》:「偶作写生花卉,以恽南田设色太浓,每以淡远相胜。」★「花卉」在《汉语大词典》第12804页 第9卷 287★「花卉」在《现代汉语词典》第554页★「花卉」在《汉语辞海》的解释★「花卉」在《重编国语辞典》的解释花卉huā huì 1.    花草。通常分木本花卉、草本花卉和观赏草类等。   ▶ 《梁书•处士传•何点》:「园内有卞忠贞冢,点植花卉于冢侧,每饮必举酒酹之。」   ▶ 宋·司马光《正月二十四日夜雪》诗:「夜色微分白,春容不受寒,即为花卉夺,犹得蹔供看。」   ▶ 峻青《秋色赋•傲霜篇》:「想着想着,我忽然领悟出菊花之所以会成为我国人民所共同喜爱的一种花卉的这个道理来了。」 2.    指以花草为题材的中国画。   ▶ 清·梁章钜《归田琐记•曼云先兄家传》:「偶作写生花卉,以恽南田设色太浓,每以淡远相胜。」

花卉的拼音huā huì



huā huì 1. 花草。通常分木本花卉、草本花卉和观赏草类等。●《梁书•处士传·何点》:「园内有卞忠贞冢,点植花卉于冢侧,每饮必举酒酹之。」●宋司马光《正月二十四日夜雪》诗:「夜色微分白,春容不受寒,即为花卉夺,犹得蹔供看。」●峻青《秋色赋·傲霜篇》:「想着想着,我忽然领悟出菊花之所以会成为我国人民所共同喜爱的一种花卉的这个道理来了。」 2. 指以花草为题材的中国画。●清梁章钜《归田琐记•曼云先兄家传》:「偶作写生花卉,以恽南田设色太浓,每以淡远相胜。」

★「花卉」在《汉语大词典》第12804页 第9卷 287 ★「花卉」在《现代汉语词典》第554页 ★「花卉」在《汉语辞海》的解释 ★「花卉」在《重编国语辞典》的解释 花卉

huā huì 1. 花草。通常分木本花卉、草本花卉和观赏草类等。 ▶ 《梁书•处士传•何点》:「园内有卞忠贞冢,点植花卉于冢侧,每饮必举酒酹之。」 ▶ 宋·司马光《正月二十四日夜雪》诗:「夜色微分白,春容不受寒,即为花卉夺,犹得蹔供看。」 ▶ 峻青《秋色赋•傲霜篇》:「想着想着,我忽然领悟出菊花之所以会成为我国人民所共同喜爱的一种花卉的这个道理来了。」 2. 指以花草为题材的中国画。 ▶ 清·梁章钜《归田琐记•曼云先兄家传》:「偶作写生花卉,以恽南田设色太浓,每以淡远相胜。」


花卉的英语单词1.flowers and plants


1.”右边几上汝窑美人觚____觚内插著时鲜花卉,并茗碗痰盒等物.”2.帮忙翻译一下啊特急我国劳动和土地价格相对低廉,然而实际上我国花卉在国际贸易中并不具有竞争优势。3.床罩被缝成花卉图案。4.灯作伞形,六角间有圆者,镂人物花卉,珍禽异兽。(清 王韬《瀛壖杂志》)5.对于思嘉来说,落日、春天和新生的草木花卉,都没有什么奇异之处。6.芬芳柔和的暖意已注满房间,它饱含着种种花卉、刚抽枝叶的树木和润温的新翻红土的香味。7.粉彩开光花卉箭筒8.粉彩料边花卉双耳樽9.粉彩色地开光花卉方瓶10.公司主要经营花卉进出口、园林设计、典礼设计、室内排花、盆景观赏、花篮花车及各种花的附属品。11.公园里的花卉;千姿百态;争奇斗艳。12.哈佛大学植物博物馆里收藏的玻璃花在北美最为著名,在花卉科学界也享有盛誉。13.花托花茎或花轴的顶端臌胀的部分,它的顶端承受着花卉器官或一组花朵14.今年的花展有大量花卉参展.15.客房的墙上裱糊著有花卉图案的壁纸。16.盘子中心绘莲池,鸳鸯、鱼藻、凤凰、花卉、海水、云龙等纹饰。17.人丝花卉古香缎18.如折沿大盘,盘沿多绘海水,斜方格,卷曲的枝头,缠枝花纹;盘内绘缠枝或折枝花卉;19.双子叶植物具有两片胚籽的或通常在萌芽上有双子叶的花卉植物20.霜冻是花卉的大敌。21.谁将评判花卉展览中的蔷薇?22.虽然我们不能欣赏鲜艳的红色半边莲花,但我们可以看到某些花卉日落时的余辉、雄野鸡色彩缤纷的羽毛。23.特点是头巾状的三裂唇瓣包围着合蕊柱;其花是花卉中最美丽的。24.提供网上花束礼品销售服务和花卉植物资讯,包括买花送花心得、卉护理常识、种资料库、语介绍等。25.通过木嵌、象牙嵌、螺钿嵌及百宝嵌,镶嵌出不同的图案,如山水、花卉、草虫,或加上银、铜装饰物,26.为害的寄主植物有观赏树木、宿根园林植物、木本花卉植物、地被植物及多浆植物等。27.我不由得想到要是把东倒西歪的栅栏拆除,再栽上花卉草木,这地方倒满可以开辟成一座赏心悦目的公园呢。28.我们在后园种蔬菜,在前园种花卉。29.用以栽培蔬果花卉或任何需要特殊气温条件的植物。30.这本花卉画册页间夹了透明纸以保护其图画。31.种花花卉和观赏植物的栽培



1.广告公司经营范围 :设计、制作、代理、发布各类广告,电脑图文设计制作,影视策划,企业形象策划,展览展示设计服务,会务服务,美术设计,动画设计,电脑多媒体领域技术开发,舞台道具租赁,工艺礼品批发、零售。

1.advertising business scope: design, production, agency, distribution of all kinds of advertising, computer graphic design, film and Television planning, corporate image planning, exhibition design services, conference services, art design, animation design, computer multimedia technology development, stage props leasing, craft gifts wholesale, retail.

2. 国际贸易公司经营范围 :机械设备及配件,汽摩配件,五金交电,电子数码产品,文具,汽车用品,服装面料,毛纺织品,家具,计算机硬件橡胶制品,化工原料及产品。

2. International Trade Company's business scope: machinery and accessories, automobile and motorcycle accessories, hardware and telecommunications, electronic and digital products, stationery, automobile supplies, garment fabrics, wool textiles, furniture, computer hardware, rubber products, chemical raw materials and products.

3. 信息技术公司经营范围 :通讯设备的技术开发、技术咨询、技术服务。机械设备安装,通信设备、电子产品、电脑软硬件的销售。

3. Information Technology Company's business scope: technical development of communication equipment, technical consultation, technical services. Machinery and equipment installation, communications equipment, electronic products, computer hardware and software sales.

4. 网络公司经营范围 :计算机领域的技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询和技术服务,网络工程,计算机软件开发、销售、电脑维修服务。

4. network company's business scope: technology development, technology transfer, technology consultation and technical service in computer field, network engineering, computer software development, sales and computer maintenance service.











避孕套、避孕帽、化肥、农业用薄膜、化工产品(不含化学危险品)、矿产品、金属材料、农药、 农业机械、自行车、摩托车(不含三轮摩托车)、汽车、汽车摩托车零配件、机械设备、家用电器、计算机软件及辅助设备、通讯设备、电子产品、电气机械、电子元器件、仪器仪表、文化办公用机械、 消防器材、润滑油、健身器材、粮食新鲜蔬菜、新鲜水果、未经加工的干果及坚果、禽蛋、不再分装的包装种子、饲料、社会公共安全设备。




12、建筑:施工总承包 专业承包、劳务分包,建筑装饰工程,景观工程,机电设备安装工程,安防工程,土石方工程;建筑装饰材料、环保设备、金属材料、木材及制品、防水材料、机电设备、花卉盆景、水泵阀门、流体控制成套设备及配件的销售。





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